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November Meeting Review

Writer's picture: mountmajorscmountmajorsc

The meeting was called to order at 6:05 PM with 11 members present.

The cash/budget was reviewed and, on a motion by Larry B., approved.

The minutes of last month’s meeting were reviewed, and on a motion by Joanne L., approved.

Grant in Aid- Summer - $17,505 for new tracks. Tracks must be installed before we can submit bill for reimbursement.

Winter - We are still waiting for the Governor’s Council to approve the grooming grants.

Website - Our new website is functional. It needs input from people.

Maps - No progress.

Fund raising - Denise W. will head a committee. Mark Straubel has offered to help.

Members have taken NHSA raffle tickets to sell. There are 4 tickets left unaccounted for.

Land owner permissions - A few new owners still need to be approached.

Groomer reports - Larry B. wants all groomer operators to help install new tracks and learn undercarriage adjustments. $350.00 has been spent for all fluid replacement for Tucker maintenance.

Location of fuel tank - Electricity? Fuel has been locked in at a reduced price ($1.65/gal.).

New cutting blades?

The hydraulic circuit issues are still being checked.

Brakes are locking up on Tucker. GetSno is aware of this issue.

Trail reports - Corr. Trail 22- We have been unable to find a screen for the bridge with the beaver issues.

A reroute will be needed on the Steele’s old property.

The reroute off Avery Hill Rd will have to wait until next year. The land owner will not be building this year.

The bridge over Frohock brook will need to be rebuilt next year.

The bridge over Coffin Brook has been redecked. Wear strips are still needed.

Primary Trail 305 - Two new bridges are installed over. Nails were purchased from existing gift card ($147.86 Nails), leaving a balance of $77.00.

Trail A- The plywood decking has been installed. The signs and grade stakes cannot be put up until later in November.

Roger S. will speak to Ken Roberts about access through the DPW land.

Trail D - The bridge behind Connelly’s will need redecking next year.

Trail E - Rip-rap has been moved to swampy area. Trail clearing was also done. A muddy spot on the railroad bed is being filled with on hand stone.

Straightback and Mt. Major- trails are in pretty good shape.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 P.M.


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